Col. W.T. Leeper
November 1861-August 1862
I wish to take a little time to look at the documents we displayed in the previous post. The first is dated November 16, 1861. In order to gain a much more perfect understanding about what had transpired here in Missouri, up until November 16, 1861, I refer you to the timeline found here: Civil War St. Louis go down to May 10, 1861.
Please take your time and thoroughly explore this wonderful resource. I could only wish to be able to explain as well what was happening here at that time as these good folks have done.
After reading the timeline down to May 10, 1861 please visit the link available there detailing the Camp Jackson affair: Camp Jackson by Peckham Description of the Camp Jackson events by W. T. Sherman
Then to June 11, 1861 on the timeline and read about:
Meeting at Planter's House The Fight for Missouri by Thomas L. Snead available on the Missouri Civil War Reader from Civil War St. Louis
You now have read more about the early days of this great conflict and the lead up to warfare in Missouri than the majority of your peers.
I'm sure that you now understand a little more clearly why Capt. Hawkins and Mr. Leeper were supposedly on a mission of peace to attempt to calm the nerves of the residents of SE Missouri.
Capt. H. P. Hawkins was a merchant at Patterson and at the very commencement raised an independent company of cavalry for the federal cause.
Mr. Leeper was a land speculator, businessman, lawyer and politician from the Big Brushy Creek area of Wayne County very near the border with Carter County. Although attempting to raise his own company for the federal service, Mr. Leeper had not the political backing at this time to make such a thing happen, though he soon would.
By mid to late February 1862 Mr. Leeper had evolved into Capt. W. T. Leeper of Company L of the 12th Regiment Missouri State Militia Hereafter we will just refer to this Regiment as 12th MSM.

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